Bentley’s Saloon, Rte.1, Arundel, Tuesdays, 5 PM to dusk, May 16 to September 19. FMI or 985-8966.
Blast from the Past, 114 Sokokis Trail (Rte. 5), East Wterboro, Fridays, 5 to 8 PM, May 19 to September 1. FMI or 247-8005.
Classic Car Tours, Motorland, 2564
Portland Rd. (Rte. 1), Arundel. Daily 10 AM to 5 PM. Guided tours;
admission charged. Over 150 classic cars and trucks from 1915–1985
including Duesenberg, Ferarri, Maserati, cars from U.S. presidents,
Hollywood stars and royalty. FMI 710-6699 or
Eliot Commons, Rte. 236, Eliot, last
Saturday of the month, 4 PM, May through September. For vehicles1972 and
older. Hosted by Kruise Knights. FMI Kruise Knights Facebook page or
Joe’s Deli Cruise-In/Sonny’s Convenience Store,
Middle Rd./Old Berwick Rd., Lyman, alternating Mondays, 4 PM, May 15
through August. FMI Joe’s Deli and Pizza Facebook page or 985-6238.
Jumpin’ Jakes Cruise Night, 181 Saco Ave., Old Orchard Beach, Sundays, 4 to 6 PM, weather permitting, to September 17. FMI 207-937-3250.
Sanford Sound Monthly Cruise Night and
Meet-Up, 1458 Main St.,Sanford, second Saturday of the month, 5 to 8 PM,
May 13 through September 9. FMI or 490-4900.
TJ’s Pizza Weekly Cruise-In, 366 Elm St., Biddeford, Thursdays, 5 to 7 PM, May 4 through September 28. FMI 284-6133.
Book Sale at the Book Shed of the Libby
Memorial Library, 27 Staples St., Old Orchard Beach. Tuesday–Friday, 10
AM to 4 PM; Saturday, 10 AM to 3 PM. FMI 934-4351. Gently used books,
DVDs, CDs and other items. Proceeds benefit library programs and
Enjoy the natural beauty of the area with a walk around the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge in Wells. |
Book Sale, Wells Public Library, 1434 Post Rd., Wells. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM; Tuesday and Thursday, 1 to 8 PM; Saturday, 10 AM to 1 PM. Collection updated weekly; books, 25 cents to $5. FMI or 646-8181.
Cargo Shop at the Church on the Cape,
3 Langsford Rd., Cape Porpoise. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 4 PM,
April through November, plus Saturdays,10 AM to noon, June through
November. Affordable clothing, household items, white-elephant articles,
linens, collectibles, books and games. FMI 967-5787.
BlixxHorses educational programs,
including individualized horse therapy. Learn about horse behavior, care
and communication. Kennebunk. By appointment only. FMI
or BlixxHorses Facebook page or 985-1994.
BlixxHorses will appear at The Colony Hotel, 140 Ocean Avenue, Kennebunkport every Thursday at 9:30 AM, July 6 to September 7 as part of the Equine Education in a Casual Setting program. The general public is welcome; the program is suitable for all ages. FMI BlixxHorses 985-1994, or The Colony Hotel 967-3331. Last minutes changes will be posted on BlixxHorses FaceBook page.
Grab a partner and join in the fun! Dance with the Nubble Lighthouse Keepers at the Wells Activity Center. |
Women and Horses Workshop, a hands-on learning experience, Ever After Mustang Rescue, 463 West St., Biddeford, Mondays, 6 to 7:30 PM. FMI and/or to register, 284-7721.
Bingo, Wells-Ogunquit Center at Moody,
300 Post Rd. (Rte. 1), Moody. Senior center. Starting May 10; for dates
and details, or 646-7775. Must be over 16 to play.
Bingo, Ramsdell Rogers American Legion
Post 56, Meadowbrook Plaza, Rte.1, York, every Monday, 7 PM. Doors open 6
PM. FMI or 363-9827.
Duplicate Bridge (ACBL-Sanctioned), Wells-Ogunquit Center at Moody, 300 Post Rd. (Rte. 1), Moody, Tuesdays, noon to 3:30 PM. If a partner is needed, arrive by 11:45 AM. FMI or 646-7775.
Square Dancing with the Nubble Lighthouse Keepers, Sundays, 7:30 to 9:30 PM; lesson at 7 PM, the Wells Activity Center, 113 Sanford Rd. (Rte. 109), Wells. Each week will feature a different caller and cuer. FMI 207-312-8114.
Biddeford + Saco ArtWalk, venues downtown and in the mills, last Friday of the month, 5 to 8 PM, April 28 through October 27. FMI or 370-9130.
Fiber Arts Group, Wells Library, 1434 Post Rd. (Rte. 1), Wells, Fridays, 10:30 AM to noon. Open to all needleworkers, all ages and abilities. FMI [email protected] or 646-8181.
Knitting and Crafting Group, Thursdays,
from 1:30 to 4 PM. Drop-ins always welcome to knit, crochet, embroider,
hook rugs, or another crraft project. Deering Room, Dyer Library, Rte.
1, Saco. FMI 283-3861.
The Biddeford and Saco Artwalk |
Painting Group, Engine, 128 Main St., Biddeford. Saturdays, 11 AM to 1 PM. Bring your own supplies; $10 fee. Beginners welcome. Amanda Hawkins, instructor. FMI and/or to register, [email protected] or 370-9130.
Maine Women in the Arts meets the first
Thursday of the month, alternating between an 8 AM and 7 PM meeting. A
business meeting about upcoming art shows is often followed by a
discussion or program. Open to the public. Meeting location at
Painting Group, Engine, 128 Main St., Biddeford. Saturdays, 11 AM to 1 PM. Bring your own supplies; $10 fee. Beginners welcome. Amanda Hawkins, instructor. FMI and/or to register, [email protected] or 370-9130.
Saco Bay Artists invites artists to
join. Meetings are held at The Pines, 20 Manor St., Ocean Park, second
Monday of the month. Meetings alternate between noon and 6:30 PM. (PM
meeting June 12.) FMI or 937-2125.
Art Trail of the Kennebunks. Take a walk on the Kennebunks’ creative side this summer. A collaboration of 30+ local art galleries and organizations. Twenty-four of these galleries in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel will open their working studios and exhibitions from 5 to 7 PM on the second Friday of the summer months; June 9, July 14, August 11, September 8, plus December 8 (Christmas Prelude). Admission is free and open to the public. FMI or 967-0857.
Preschool story and adventure hour,
Animal Welfare Society, 46 Holland Rd., West Kennebunk, Thursdays, 10 to
11 AM, through June 15. Free; donations accepted. FMI or 985-3244.
Story Time, 10:30 AM, Wednesdays, July and August, Seashore Trolley Museum, 195 Log Cabin Rd., Kennebunkport. Conductor Nate reads transportation-themed stories to young children, and accompanies families on trolley ride. FMI [email protected] or 967-2800.
Boon Island Lighthouse. Six miles
northeast of Cape Neddick in York. First commissioned as a beacon in
1799; lighthouse built in 1811, then rebuilt in 1855. 133 ft. tower. The
island was the site of the 1710 shipwreck of the British ship Nottingham Galley, which was the subject of Kenneth’s Roberts’ novel Boon Island. Not open to the public. Visible from Long Sands Beach or Sohier Park in York, or by boat. FMI
Goat Island Lighthouse, Cape Porpoise, Kennebunkport |
Goat Island Lighthouse, Cape Porpoise harbor, Pier Rd., Kennebunkport. Established in 1833 and rebuilt in 1859. 25 ft. tower. Close to shore, and can be viewed from Cape Porpoise pier or visited by boat. If home, lighthouse keepers will give tour. Owned and maintained by Kennebunkport Conservation Trust. FMI FMI on boat tours, 831-3663; for kayaking rental information, 888-925-7496 or 967-6065.
Nubble Light, off Cape Neddick, York.
Lighthouse built on small island near shore in 1879. Not open to the
public. 41 ft. tower. Visible from Sohier Park on Nubble Rd. “The
Nubble” is said to be the most photographed lighthouse in the country.
Owned by the town of York. Friends of Nubble Light operate a visitors’
center and gift shop in Sohier Park. Gift shop and center open mid-April
through October. Open daily 9 AM to 4 PM to mid-May; 9 AM to 7 PM
through October. FMI FMI for boat trip, or 646-5227.
Wood Island Light, Biddeford. Two miles
east of mouth of Saco River. Visible from East Point Sanctuary, end of
Lester B. Orcutt Blvd., Biddeford Pool. Built in 1808, and rebuilt in
1858. 47 ft. tower. Accessible by boat. The Friends of Wood Island
Lighthouse offers tours from Vines Landing, Biddeford Pool, Wednesdays
and Saturdays, 10 and 11 AM; and Thursdays, 5 and 6 PM, June through
August. Reservations required. Fifteen-minute boat ride to island. Free;
donations appreciated to Friends of Wood Island Lighthouse. FMI or 207-200-4552.
Alfred Shaker Museum, 118 Shaker Hill
Rd., Alfred. Restored buildings of former Shaker community. Wednesdays
and Saturdays, 1 to 4 PM, May to October. FMI or
324-8669 or 324-7650.
Brick Store Museum, 117 Main St.,
Kennebunk. Housed in a block of restored 19th century buildings. Open
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM; Wednesday, 10 AM to 8 PM;
Saturday, 10 AM to 4 PM, Sunday, noon to 4 PM. There are ongoing
exhibits that showcase the area’s history. Admission: adults $7.50;
seniors $6; children, ages 6 to 16, $3; under age 6, free. On weekends
there is a family rate of $10 for up to six members. Admission is free
for museum members. FMI or 985-4802.
The Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk |
Counting House Museum in South Berwick, on Main (Rte. 4) and Liberty streets, formerly a cotton factory built beside the Salmon Falls River in the 1830s.The brick building is the headquarters of the Old Berwick Historical Society, which owns and maintains the property. The building contains one of northern New England’s last textile mill ballrooms. The museum has a permanent collection of artifacts, photographs and documents, and hosts regular exhibitions showcasing the heritage of this area, which was the site of the first permanent settlement in Maine. Open 1 to 4 PM on Saturdays and Sundays, May through October. Admission is free. FMI or 384-0000.
Harmon Museum of Old Orchard Beach Historical Society, 4 Portland Ave., Old Orchard Beach, Tuesday through Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM; Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM, through September 3. Free admission. FMI or 934-9319.
Kittery Historical and Naval Museum, 200 Rogers Rd. Ext., Kittery. Items and artifacts that reflect Kittery’s rich historical and maritime past, including shipbuilding, toys, archaeological finds and household artifacts. Special programs offered year-round. Open Saturday and Sundays, 10 AM to 4 PM, mid-April through Columbus Day. Adults, $3; children 7 to 15, $1.50; under 7, free. FMI or 439-3080.
Meetinghouse Museum, 938 Post Road (Rte.
1), Wells. Home of the Historical Society of Wells-Ogunquit. Nautical
artifacts, decorative arts, historical items, genealogical research
library. Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 AM to 4 PM; Free tours of the
Meetinghouse Museum on Saturdays, 10 AM to 1 PM. Donations accepted. FMI or 646-4775.
Museums of Old York, York St.,York
village. A complex of historical buildings.Tuesday–Saturday, 10 AM to 5
PM; Sunday, 1 to 5 PM, May 29 through September 3. Fall hours, September
7 to October 15: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10 AM to 5 PM; Sunday, 1
to 5 PM. FMI or 363-1756.
Ogunquit Fire Company Fire Museum,
Firemen’s Park, 86 Obed’s Lane, Ogunquit. On view 24 hours a day. View
the steam pumper, firefighting memorabilia and memorials.
Ogunquit Heritage Museum, 86 Obed’s Lane,
Ogunquit. June through October. Tuesday–Saturday, 1 to 5 PM. Free. FMI or 646-0296.
Ogunquit Museum of American Art, located in Ogunquit |
Ogunquit Museum of American Art, 543 Shore Rd.,Ogunquit,10 AM to 5 PM, May through October. Exhibitions, recent acquisitions and works from the museum’s permanent collection. Current exhibits: “Dahlov Ipcar: Creative Growth,” “Carl Austin Hyatt: Salt/Sea/Stone,” “Gary Haven Smith,” “Ernest Hemingway and Henry Strater,” “Tradition and Excellence: Art and Ogunquit, 1914-1918.” FMI or 646-4909.
Pasco Exhibit Center, Kennebunkport
Historical Society, 125 North St., Kennebunkport. Monday–Friday, 9 AM to
3 PM, year-round. Admission $5; free for KHS members. FMI or 967-2751.
Saco Museum, 371 Main St. (Rte. 1), Saco.
Tuesday–Thursday, noon to 4 PM; Friday, noon to 8 PM; Saturday, 10 AM
to 4 PM; also Sunday, noon to 4 PM, June through December. Adults $5,
seniors and students $3, children 7 to 18, $2, 6 and under free. Free
admission, Fridays, after 4 PM. FMI or
Seashore Trolley Museum, 195 Log Cabin
Rd., Kennebunkport. Largest electric railway museum in the world. Opens
May 6. Saturdays and Sundays only until Memorial Day, then open daily
through Columbus Day. Open Saturdays and Sundays through October 29. 10
AM to 5 PM. FMI or 967-2800.
Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock St.,
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Restored furnished houses, exhibits, historic
landscapes and gardens, and costumed role players on 10-acre site. Open
daily, 10 AM to 5 PM, May 1 through October 1. Adults $20, children 5
to17 years $10, family $50. Children under 5 and museum members, free.
FMI or 603-433-1100.
White Columns in Kennebunkport |
White Columns (formerly known as the Nott House), 8 Maine Street, Kennebunkport. Historic 1853 Greek Revival home with restored gardens and gift shop, owned and maintained by the Kennebunkport Historical Society. Open Wednesday–Saturday, May through August. Open Saturdays only, September through Columbus Day. 10 AM to 4 PM. Adults $10, under 12, free. FMI or 967-2751.
Bird Banding Demonstration, Tuesdays, 7 AM, Wells Reserve, Laudholm Farm Rd., Wells. Free with admission. FMI 646-1555 or
Birding Watching. Various locations,
sponsored by York County Audubon, Wednesdays, 8 AM, May through
September. Bring your own scope. Members $5, non-members $8. FMI York
County Audubon Facebook page or 391-8071.
Cliff Walk,York Harbor. The one-mile
walk starts at the public parking lot (parking permit required) beside
the Stage Neck Inn, off Route 1A. Free parking is available on Rte. 1A.
The walk winds along the edge of rock cliffs, and offers dramatic views
of the crashing surf. Also offers views of some of York’s most beautiful
estates. The trail is narrow and rocky, and without a guardrail in
places. Rubber-soled shoes are advised.
Cycling, Maine Coast Cycling Club leads
rides from Kennebunkport Bicycle Company, 34 Arundel Rd., Kennebunkport,
Sundays, 8 AM and Tuesdays, 5:45 PM, May through October. FMI or 205-7159.
Cycling, group rides on Wednesdays, 5:30
PM, and Sundays, 8 AM. Meet at Fast & Happy Bicycles shop at 463
Main St., Springvale. FMI 502-2280. A women’s cycling group meets every
other Saturday, 8:30 AM. FMI 318-4682.
Scarborough Marsh, the state’s largest salt marsh, hosts many programs and events. |
East Point Sanctuary, end of Lester B. Orcutt Blvd., Biddeford Pool. A water and shore bird-watching haven, with views of Wood Island Light. No dogs. Open year-round. FMI
Ferry Beach State Park, Bayview Rd. (Rte.
9), Saco. Includes picnic area, nature trails and nature center. Open 9
AM to sunset, Memorial Day to Labor Day. Also can be visited
off-season, by parking outside the locked gate and walking in. Dogs
prohibited on beach April 1 to September 30. Adults (ages 12 to 64),
Maine residents, $5; non-residents, $7. Seniors (65+), Maine residents,
free; non-residents, $2. Children 5 to 11, $1; under 5, free. FMI or 283-0067.
Fisherman’s Walk and Wiggly Bridge,
York. The walk is three-quarters of a mile, and starts at the George
Marshall Store on Lindsay Road, near Hancock Wharf. It leads through
Steedman Woods Preserve to the Wiggly Bridge, a 75-foot-long
mini-suspension pedestrian bridge, then crosses Route 103 to the
Sayward-Wheeler House, and ends at Edward’s Harborside Inn on Stage Neck
Marginal Way, Ogunquit, is a one-mile
paved walkway that follows the shore from Perkins Cove to Shore Road. A
favorite spot for artists and photographers, because of its scenic
overlook of surf and rocky outcroppings. Parking is available at Perkins
Milliken Mills Trails Park, a 70-acre park off Portland Avenue near Milliken Mills Road, Old Orchard Beach. Hiking and biking trails, both off road and on, educational signage, a picnic area, a gravesite of a Revolutionary War soldier. Off-street parking with easy access to the Eastern Trail (ET).
Mount Agamenticus in York, elev. 692,
(also known as “The Big A”) is the tallest hill on the Atlantic seaboard
between Florida and Mount Desert in Acadia National Park. On a clear
day, panoramic views extend along the Maine coast, west to Mount
Washington in New Hampshire and south to Boston. A variety of trails
for hikers and mountain bikers. The summit is a popular site in the fall
for watching migrating hawks, bald eagles and osprey. Access from
Mountain Road, off Route 1. FMI or 363-1102.
Petanque Club, Veteran’s Memorial Park,
Heath St., Old Orchard Beach. Tuesdays, 2 PM; Fridays, 6 PM. New members
welcome. FMI Joe Leprohon, 937-2015, or Bob Quinn, 934-2648.
Scarborough Marsh, 92 Pine Point Rd.
Scarborough. State’s largest salt marsh (3100 acres) has guided and
self-guided walks, kayaking and canoe trips. Includes nature center.
Hosts many programs and events. The property is open year-round. The
Audubon Center is open May through September. FMI or
883-5100, summer season; 781-2330, off-season.
A nature trail at the Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge in Wells. |
Self-guided nature walks at Wells
Reserve at Laudholm Farm, Laudholm Farm Rd., Wells. Seven miles of
trails through fields, forests and marshes, and ocean beach. Trails are
open daily, 7 AM to dusk, year-round. Visitor Center has exhibits and
gift shop. Open Monday–Friday, 10 AM to 4 PM, off-season; 10 AM to 4 PM
seven days, Memorial Day weekend to Columbus Day. Admission charged late
May to Columbus Day. Over age 16, $5; ages 6 to 16, $1; under age 6,
free. Members free. FMI or 646-1555.
Self-guided nature walks, Rachel Carson
National Wildlife Refuge, Rte. 9, Wells. “Carson Trail,” a one-mile
walking trail, handicapped-accessible, open daily, dawn to dusk,
year-round. Free. Headquarters open Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM.
Free nature programs and guided walks, Saturdays, 10 AM, July and
August. FMI 646-9226.
Vaughan Woods Memorial State Park, 28
Old Fields Rd., South Berwick. 165-acre park near Salmon Falls River
features walking trails through old growth forest. Picnic facilities. 9
AM to sunset, Memorial Day to Labor Day. Access off-season by parking
outside locked gate and walking in. Adults (ages 12 to 64), Maine
residents,$3; non-residents,$4. Seniors (65+), Maine residents, free;
non-residents, $1. Children 5 to 11, $1; under 5, free. FMI or
384-5160, summer season; 490-4079, off-season.
Wednesday Wandering. Hike land preserves within 5 miles of the coast, first Wednesday of the month through September 6, 9 to 11 AM. Meet at Beach Plum Farm, 610 Main Street, Ogunquit. Hikes are led by a member of Great Works Regional Land Trust. Hikers must provide their own transportation to hiking site. FMI 207-646-3604 or
Beach Plum Farm, Rte. 1, Ogunquit. Preserved farmhouse and barn on 22-acre saltwater farm, near the Ogunquit River. Includes the Roby Littlefield Museum. Beach Plum Farm also serves as headquarters of the Great Works Regional Land Trust. Open dawn to dusk, year-round; free admission. FMI 646-3604.
Fort McClary State Park, Kittery |
Fort Foster Park, on Gerrish Island in Kittery. (The island is connected to the mainland.) The park contains military structures and batteries constructed in the late 1800s and later. The 88-acre park also has beach/swimming areas, biking and hiking trails, picnic areas and bathroom facilities. Fee: $10 per vehicle, per day, or $5 per walk-in or bicyclist. Season passes for town resident, $10 per household ($5 for seniors); non-residents, $20. Leashed dogs allowed during open hours, except on east side of Pier Beach. Owners responsible for dog waste. Open 10 AM to 8 PM, daily, Memorial Day to Labor Day. FMI 439-3800.
Fort McClary State Park, Rte 103, Kittery
Point, Kittery. Revolutionary-era fort, manned during five wars, near
the mouth of the Piscataqua River. The fort is named for New Hampshire
native Major Andrew McClary, who died in the Battle of Bunker Hill in
Boston during the Revolutionary War. The buildings at Fort McClary
represent several different periods of construction; the fort was
upgraded and modified to meet changing defensive needs. The site was
manned during the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War, the
Spanish-American War and World War I. Half-mile trail; leashed dogs
allowed. Picnic tables. Open year-round, dawn to dusk. (Buildings are
closed in the off-season.) Regular season, Memorial Day to September 30.
Small admission fee. FMI or 490-4079 or 439-2845.
Franciscan Monastery, 28 Beach Ave.,
Kennebunk. Active monastery features well-tended gardens, trails and
park along the Kennebunk River. Grounds designed by Frederick Law
Olmstead. Open between sunrise and sunset, year-round. Free admission.
FMI 967-2011.
Hamilton House, 40 Vaughans Lane, South
Berwick. Built c.1785 and restored in 1898, the former sea captain’s
house and gardens stand on the banks of the Salmon Falls River. It is
decorated in Colonial revival style, with elegant antiques, furnishings
and murals. Owned by the Society for Preservation of New England
Antiquities. Concerts in the gardens, July and August on Sunday at 1 PM.
House open Friday–Sunday, 11 AM to 5 PM, with tours on the hour;
grounds open dawn to dusk, June 1 through mid-October.The property is
adjacent to Vaughan Woods State Park. Admission is $8. FMI or 384-2454.
Walker’s Point, the family compound of former President George H. W. Bush, can be viewed from Ocean Avenue, Kennebunkport. |
Jewett House, 5 Portland St., South Berwick. The Georgian-style home of writer Sarah Orne Jewett is owned by the Society for Preservation of New England Antiquities. Furnishings include Jewett’s desk, where she penned her classic works, such as The Country of the Pointed Firs. Friday–Sunday, 11 AM to 5 PM, June 1 through mid-October. Admission, $5. FMI or 384-2454.
Walker’s Point, the family compound of
former President George Herbert Walker Bush, can be viewed from Ocean
Avenue, Kennebunkport. There is limited parking along the road; best
viewing and easiest access is by foot or bicycle. Follow Ocean Avenue,
two miles from Dock Square.
The Wedding Cake House, 105 Summer
Street,Kennebunk, is one of the most photographed structures in the
area. On the National Register of Historic Places, this distinctive
Federal-style brick house was built in 1825 by shipbuilder George
Bourne. Bourne added the lavish, ornamental “frosting” about 25 years
later. It is a private home so viewing is from the roadside only.
White Columns and First Families Museum,
10 AM to 4 PM, 8 Maine St., Kennebunkport. White Columns is a Greek
Revival home open for tours. Built in 1853, it has many of the home’s
orginal furnisings. The museum contains memorabilia and artifacts
representing the family of former President George Herbert Walker Bush,
whose family has had a summer residence in Kennebunkport for
generations. Tours on the hour; last tour at 3 PM. Owned and managed by
the Kennebunkport Historical Society. Admission and tours are free to
KHS members, $10 non-members. Continues through Columbus Day. FMI
The Starfield Observatory, Kennebunk |
Astronomy Classes,
New School, 38 York St, (Rte.1 South), Kennebunk. The Astronomical
Society of Northern New England offers beginner classes at 6:45 PM, the
first Friday of the month. ASNNE regular meeting follows at 7:30 PM.
Classes are free; $5 for non-members if there is a guest speaker. FMI
[email protected] or
Starfield Observatory, 918 Alewive Rd. (Rte 35), Kennebunk. The observatory is home to the Astronomical Society of Northern New England, which hosts a monthly star party, open to the public. Private star parties can also be scheduled. ASNNE also hosts other programs. FMI [email protected] or
The Center, 175 Port Rd., Kennebunk.
The senior center offers a variety of programs, including exercise and
wellness classes, recreational activities (including bridge, cribbage
and mah jong) and luncheons. Open Monday–Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM;
Fridays, 9 AM to 1 PM. FMI or 967-8514.
The Memory Cafe,
Bradford Common Bistro, Huntington Common, Huntington Common Dr.,
Kennebunk. Mary-Lou Boucouvalas, director of Louis T. Graves Memorial
Library, Kennebunkport, offers an afternoon of stories, games, music,
art and activities for people and families dealing with memory loss.
Every other Saturday, 12:45 to 2 PM. Free. FMI 967-2778.
Wells-Ogunquit Center at Moody, 300 Post Rd. (Rte. 1), Moody. The senior center offers many educational, fitness and recreational programs, including bridge and cribbage. Monday–Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM. FMI or 646-7775.
Biddeford City Theater, 205 Main St., Biddeford. Restored 1860 opera house, hosts plays and other arts events. FMI or 282-0849.
Hackmatack Playhouse, in Berwick, is a summer theater that hosts several productions from mid-June through Labor Day. |
Hackmatack Playhouse, 538 School St. (Rte. 9), Berwick. Summer theater hosts several productions from mid-June through Labor Day, Wednesdays – Saturdays. Wednesday and Thursday, adults, $25; seniors (65+), $20; students (18 and younger), $10. Fridays and Saturdays, adults, $30; seniors, $25; students, $10. FMI or 698-1807.
Leavitt Theatre, 295 Main St. (Rte.1), Ogunquit. 580-seat historic theater. Features films and other entertainment, May through September. FMI or 646-3123.
Ogunquit Playhouse, 10 Main St. (Rte.1), Ogunquit. Historic summer playhouse. Open mid-July through Labor Day. FMI or 646-5511.
Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls
Rd., Buxton. Open most of the year. Hosts a variety of events, including
live music, dance, and plays presented by The Originals, the theater’s
resident company. FMI or 929-6472.
Backstage Tours at Ogunquit Playhouse are offered Fridays, July 28, August 25, and September 8, 15 and 29; Sundays, August 6, and September 10 and 24; and Mondays, July 10 and 24, August 21, and September 18 and 24. Visitors go behind the scenes to see how the magic on stage is made, from wigs, sound, sets and costumes to the dressing rooms, where stars such as Bette Davis, Myrna Loy, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Walter Matthau, Steve McQueen, and more prepared for their performances. The tour highlights the history of the theatre, including how it survived the Great Depression. A 90-minute tour is $10. An abbreviated 45-minute tour is $5. Tours can be at the Box Office at 207-646-5511.
Brewery Tours, Kennebunkport Brewery, the Shipyard Shops, 8 Western Ave., Lower Village, Kennebunk. See local ale being brewed. By appointment, preferably 24 hours in advance. Year-round. FMI 967-1261.
Historical Walking Tours, 11AM, Brick
Store Museum, 117 Main Street, Kennebunk. Learn the history of the
elaborate and historical homes that line Kennebunk’s Summer Street
neighborhood. Led by trained tour guide. $5 per person/free for members.
Continues Fridays and Saturdays through August. FMI 985-4802 or
Explore the historic Biddeford mills in a guided tour, Thursdays and Saturdays. |
Historic Mill Tours, Biddeford, starting
June 8. Two-hour tour through the city’s 1843 textile mill complex,
Thursdays and Saturdays, starting 10 am to noon, $15 for adults, $12 for
seniors, $10 for students, 40 Main St., Biddeford, next to Portland
Pie. Reservations required; call Heart of Biddeford at 207-284-8520,
Monday to Friday from 10 AM to 2 PM to book a tour. Reservations should
be made prior to 2 PM on the day before the tour.
Historic Village Walking Tours from White Columns (formerly known as the Nott House), 8 Maine St., Kennebunkport, 11 AM, Thursdays and Saturdays, July and August; 11 AM, Saturdays, September. Adults, $7; free to members and children under 18. Open mid-June through mid-October. Tours are offered by the Kennebunkport Historical Society, which owns and maintains White Columns. FMI 967-2751.
Tours at The Jagger Brothers Mill, 5 Water Street. Springvale. This family-owned mill has been spinning yarn in Springvale for over 100 years. The tour shows the process of spinning from bales of fiber to spun yarn. Yarn is available for purchase at the end of the tour. Tours offered the 4th Wednesday of the month at 10 AM. Reservations required; call 800-225-8023. Children must be at least age 12. Free.